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carriage dog

См. также в других словарях:

  • carriage dog — n. DALMATIAN (n. 3) …   English World dictionary

  • carriage dog — noun archaic a Dalmatian dog. Origin C19: because Dalmatians were formerly trained to run behind a carriage as guard dogs …   English new terms dictionary

  • carriage dog — noun a large breed having a smooth white coat with black or brown spots; originated in Dalmatia • Syn: ↑dalmatian, ↑coach dog • Hypernyms: ↑dog, ↑domestic dog, ↑Canis familiaris • Hyponyms: ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • carriage dog — Dalmatian (def. 3) [1815 25] * * * …   Universalium

  • Carriage — A carriage is a wheeled vehicle for people, usually horse drawn. It is especially designed for private passenger use and for comfort or elegance, though some are also used to transport goods. It may be light, smart and fast or heavy, large and… …   Wikipedia

  • carriage — n. 1 Brit. a railway passenger vehicle. 2 a wheeled passenger vehicle, esp. one with four wheels and pulled by horses. 3 a the conveying of goods. b the cost of this (carriage paid). 4 the part of a machine (e.g. a typewriter) that carries other… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Dog in Boots — D Artagnan ( the Dog ) and the three musketeers in blue musketeer costumes. From left to right: the Fatty (Porthos), D Artagnan, the nameless Athos, and the Handsome (Aramis). Directed by Yefim Gamburg …   Wikipedia

  • Dog — (d[o^]g), n. [AS. docga; akin to D. dog mastiff, Dan. dogge, Sw. dogg.] 1. (Zo[ o]l.) A quadruped of the genus {Canis}, esp. the domestic dog ({Canis familiaris}). Note: The dog is distinguished above all others of the inferior animals for… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Dog ape — Dog Dog (d[o^]g), n. [AS. docga; akin to D. dog mastiff, Dan. dogge, Sw. dogg.] 1. (Zo[ o]l.) A quadruped of the genus {Canis}, esp. the domestic dog ({Canis familiaris}). Note: The dog is distinguished above all others of the inferior animals… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Dog cabbage — Dog Dog (d[o^]g), n. [AS. docga; akin to D. dog mastiff, Dan. dogge, Sw. dogg.] 1. (Zo[ o]l.) A quadruped of the genus {Canis}, esp. the domestic dog ({Canis familiaris}). Note: The dog is distinguished above all others of the inferior animals… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Dog cheap — Dog Dog (d[o^]g), n. [AS. docga; akin to D. dog mastiff, Dan. dogge, Sw. dogg.] 1. (Zo[ o]l.) A quadruped of the genus {Canis}, esp. the domestic dog ({Canis familiaris}). Note: The dog is distinguished above all others of the inferior animals… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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